Driveway Design Rathgar
This driveway design Rathgar, Dublin 6 includes: ground excavation, levelling and compacting the ground with a hardcore and cream dust, spreading of decorative gravel, stepping-stone path set-up, installation of softwood raised beds, planting and lighting.
The Aspects of Landscaping crew excavate over 15 tons of soil and replace it with compacted hardcore. On the top, our landscape gardeners have spread, levelled and compacted cream dust to create the same base colour as the ornamental gravel on the top. The landscaping team spread over eight tons of "Ballylusk" 16-18 mm decorative gravel.
We also implemented a sandstone stepping stone path leading from the driveway entrance to the main entrance of the house. The stepping stones' slabs were set up on reinforced concrete with metal bars. In the next step of the driveway our experienced gardeners set up softwood edging, flower beds were created and plants were planted.
The driveway design Rathgar is one of the landscaping services that is offered in local markets. Aspects of Landscaping specialises in ground preparation including ground levelling and drainage.
For more information or a free quote please contact our office at +353 01 606 0759 or Magdalena's mobile +353 087 173 5150